Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Raging Prophet

I just watched Rod Parsley, The Raging Prophet, on a 24 hour bible network that I receive. After watching this man dance around and insult his crowd's way of life and say that they are living incorrectly, I am thoroughly convinced the man is evil.

Quoting scriptures from obscure bible chapters and referencing certain data that I have never seen before, Rod has a power over his audience that I have never seen. He convinces the crowd that everything they are doing is wrong, and they praise him for it.

He says that the wealth and prosperity that the members of the church holds should be used to help the people who have none. This I agree With.

He says that wealth was obtained through Jesus. That is absurd.
So Jesus Divided the real wealth between the White continents, and it is their job to split that wealth among the continents they have ravaged. Makes sense.

Mr. Defender of the Poor Has very nice suits.
This cult leader really needs to stop telling me that my opinions are useless. I might get mad and start screaming back.

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