Thursday, December 14, 2006

Why We Stand.

It seems unlikely that our simple little blog can change anything.
But to not give it a chance would be heresy.
Yes, we are all heretics.
Because we have forgotten why we stand.
Why we fight.

We were once goverend by a set of Ideals that, in no small amount of work, revolutinized our abilityto communicate.

Those ideals were free speech.

We are here, Vohra and I, and any others that wish to stand amongst us, to say that everything is not okay.That we are not okay with the way things are going, and we are going to change that.To stop closed-mindedness from marching forward.

We the People,
In order to form a more perfect soicety, to establish faith in our own actions, to
reaffirm the ideals of true freedom,
Do ordain and establish a resistance. A
resistance to closed-mindedness, to second guessing, to loss of freedom.

Lee Benthic

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